Pasteurization of grain
As grain is a major ingredient in many food products, food safety becomes an issue for manufacturers to consider. Products in which they are processed do not always have the right conditions for enough Log reduction to render pathogens such as Salmonella inactive. It is therefore highly recommended to pasteurize grain before feeding it into your production line to avoid contamination, (spreading of Salmonella bacteria) and product recalls.
As food is primarily about flavor and nutrition, pasteurization should be incompliance with these factors. To retain the flavor and other organoleptic properties of grain it is essential for treatment to be carried out at reduced pressure. To prevent excessive moisture from spoiling the grain, the application of steam is applied under conditions at which condensation on the surface is limited, a high water activity is established and sufficient heat transfer is realized to render the harmful pathogens inactive.
Several outbreaks of Salmonella have been reported in recent years. For example in 2008-2009 people were hospitalized after contamination of flour. The significance of pasteurization has become clear after research from the Dutch PDV; 0,75 of all the loads of grain were tested positive for salmonella.
Log 5 is able to provide turnkey solutions to grain pasteurization. Helping you to keep the right balance between important qualities in grain products such as texture, flavor, nutrition and safety for consumption.
Challenges for pasteurization of grain
The pasteurization of dry materials as grains needs specific requirements. Due to the small size of the product and soft texture, hardening and discolorization occur easily. To prevent loss of product qualities of your products, new pasteurization techniques are required.
Log 5 AwCP for grains
With our pasteurization solution you will obtain the perfect mix of the highest reduction (5Log) treatment time and product quality. We help you to find an optimal balance for your quality and production needs and food safety.
With The AwCP, Log 5 is able to provide the latest solution for the pasteurization process of grain. Helping you to keep the qualities of your grain wholesome by making your products safe for consumption.
Log 5 AwCP air treatment controls the most relevant factors:
Moisture content of pasteurizing air
Moisture content of preheating air
Air flow
The AwCP pasteurization system
The Log5 AwCP pasteurization system creates the right balance and optimal conditions to ensure even the highest Log reduction (5Log). Food safety is ensured while retaining the product qualities of your grains. For specific information in regards to products and solutions please contact our team.
The AwCP pasteurization system can be used for different types of grain such as:
As a member of the Royal Duyvis Wiener Group, we are able to provide all the equipment needed to process nuts such as integrated pasteurization systems within RDW product lines as well as custom made solutions in your existing production line.